Alt Codes For Mac
alt Codes enables you to quickly and easily find the keyboard combinations to type symbols and characters that are not found on traditional keyboards. In addition to discovering the keyboard code for a character or symbol, you can quickly copy the character or symbol to the clipboard of your iOS dev. Mac keyboard symbol shortcuts. You can input more text symbols on Macintosh computers with the use of keyboard than you see painted on your keyboard. You don't have to keep a list of shortcut codes near you. Keyboard viewer of Mac OS. Keyboard shortcuts for symbols. While still using your own language, you can type symbols like '√ ∑ π. Below is a list of the common key codes for quick reference, taken from Events.h. If you need to use these keycodes in an application, you should include the Carbon framework: Objective-C: #include Swift: import Carbon.HIToolbox. You can then use the kVKANSIA constants directly.
Alt Codes For Mac Letters
1. Currency and Legal Symbols | |
Alt+0163 | £ |
Alt+0162 | ¢ |
Alt+0128 | € |
Alt+0165 | ¥ |
0024+Alt+X | $ |
Alt+0164 | ¤ |
Alt+0169 | © |
Alt+0174 | ® |
Alt+0153 | ™ |
Alt+0167 | § |
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2. Mathematical | |
Alt+0176 | ° |
Alt+0186 | º |
221A+Alt+X | √ |
Alt+43 | + |
Alt+0181 | µ |
2206+Alt+X | ∆ |
Alt+0188 | ¼ |
Alt+0189 | ½ |
Alt+0190 | ¾ |
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3. Punctuation | |
Alt+34 | ' |
Alt+0171 | « |
Alt+0187 | » |
Alt+174 | « |
Alt+175 | » |
Alt+126 | ~ |
Alt+0191 | ¿ |
203+Alt+X | ‼ |
▲ up Elsword for mac.
4. Glyphs | |
Alt+0192 | À |
Alt+0193 | Á |
Alt+0194 | Â |
Alt+0195 | Ã |
Alt+0229 | å |
Alt+131 | â |
Alt+132 | ä |
Alt+133 | à |
Alt+134 | å |
Alt+142 | Ä |
Alt+143 | Å |
Alt+160 | á |
010C+Alt+X | Č |
010D+Alt+X | č |
Alt+128 | Ç |
Alt+135 | ç |
0114+Alt+X | Ĕ |
0115+Alt+X | ĕ |
Alt+0200 | È |
Alt+130 | é |
Alt+136 | ê |
Alt+137 | ë |
Alt+138 | è |
Alt+144 | É |
Alt+202 | Ê |
Alt+203 | Ë |
011E+Alt+X | Ğ |
011F+Alt+X | ğ |
0122+Alt+X | Ģ |
0123+Alt+X | ģ |
Alt+0204 | Ì |
Alt+0205 | Í |
Alt+0206 | Î |
Alt+0207 | Ï |
Alt+139 | ï |
Alt+140 | î |
Alt+141 | ì |
Alt+161 | í |
Alt+164 | ñ |
Alt+165 | Ñ |
00F8+Alt+X | ø |
014C+Alt+X | Ō |
014D+Alt+X | ō |
Alt+0210 | Ò |
Alt+0211 | Ó |
Alt+0216 | Ø |
Alt+147 | ô |
Alt+148 | ö |
Alt+149 | ò |
Alt+153 | Ö |
Alt+162 | ó |
Alt+212 | Ô |
015C+Alt+X | Ŝ |
015D+Alt+X | ŝ |
015E+Alt+X | Ş |
015F+Alt+X | ş |
00DA+Alt+X | Ú |
016B+Alt+X | ū |
Alt+016A | Ū |
Alt+0217 | Ù |
Alt+0219 | Û |
Alt+129 | ü |
Alt+150 | û |
Alt+151 | ù |
Alt+154 | Ü |
Alt+163 | ú |
0159+Alt+X | Ÿ |
Alt+152 | ÿ |
Alt Codes Mac Laptop
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Computer Keyboard Symbols Chart
5. Greek Alphabet | |
Alt+ 913 | Α (upper-case Alpha) |
Alt+ 914 | Β (upper-case Beta) |
Alt+ 915 | Γ (upper-case Gamma) |
Alt+ 916 | Δ (upper-case Delta) |
Alt+ 917 | Ε (upper-case Epsilon) |
Alt+ 918 | Ζ (upper-case Zeta) |
Alt+ 919 | Η (upper-case Eta) |
Alt+ 920 | Θ (upper-case Theta) |
Alt+ 921 | Ι (upper-case Iota) |
Alt+ 922 | Κ (upper-case Kappa) |
Alt+ 923 | Λ (upper-case Lambda) |
Alt+ 924 | Μ (upper-case Mu) |
Alt+ 925 | Ν (upper-case Nu) |
Alt+ 926 | Ξ (upper-case Xi) |
Alt+ 927 | Ο (upper-case Omicron) |
Alt+ 928 | Π (upper-case Pi) |
Alt+ 929 | Ρ (upper-case Rho) |
Alt+ 931 | Σ (upper-case Sigma) |
Alt+ 932 | Τ (upper-case Tau) |
Alt+ 933 | Υ (upper-case Upsilon) |
Alt+ 934 | Φ (upper-case Phi) |
Alt+ 935 | Χ (upper-case Chi) |
Alt+ 936 | Ψ (upper-case Psi) |
Alt+ 937 | Ω (upper-case Omega) |
Alt+ 945 | α (lower-case Alpha) |
Alt+ 946 | β (lower-case Beta) |
Alt+ 947 | γ (lower-case Gamma) |
Alt+ 948 | δ (lower-case Delta) |
Alt+ 949 | ε (lower-case Epsilon) |
Alt+ 950 | ζ (lower-case Zeta) |
Alt+ 951 | η (lower-case Eta) |
Alt+ 952 | θ (lower-case Theta) |
Alt+ 953 | ι (lower-case Iota) |
Alt+ 954 | κ (lower-case Kappa) |
Alt+ 955 | λ (lower-case Lambda) |
Alt+ 956 | μ (lower-case Mu) |
Alt+ 957 | ν (lower-case Nu) |
Alt+ 958 | ξ (lower-case Xi) |
Alt+ 959 | ο (lower-case Omicron) |
Alt+ 960 | π (lower-case Pi) |
Alt+ 961 | ρ (lower-case Rho) |
Alt+ 962 | ς (lower-case final Sigma) |
Alt+ 963 | σ (lower-case Sigma) |
Alt+ 964 | τ (lower-case Tau) |
Alt+ 965 | υ (lower-case Upsilon) |
Alt+ 967 | χ (lower-case Chi) |
Alt+ 968 | φ (lower-case Phi) |
Alt+ 968 | ψ (lower-case Psi) |
Alt+ 969 | ω (lower-case Omega) |
Keyboard Ok Symbol
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Sources: Windows Help on ASCII & Unicode Character Maps