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Can You Substitute Almond Milk For Milk In Mac And Cheese

A lot of people use water instead of milk but you can tell the difference because with milk, it comes out creamy. With water, it comes out regular with that flavor of cheese. Feb 23, 2008  I do love unsweetened, unflavored almond milk (the Blue Diamond kind), and it's about a half to a third of the calories of soy milk. I'm not sure how that would work in mac and cheese, but now I'm kind of curious. I think it would be different, but possibly good, depending on what cheeses you were using. If you're worried about the recipe being.

  1. Can You Substitute Almond Milk For Milk In Mac And Cheese Sauce
  2. Milk Vs Almond Milk
  3. Can You Substitute Almond Milk For Milk In Mac And Cheese Kraft

Almond milk is a fantastic nondairy alternative to regular cow's milk. It's a great choice for vegans or those who are lactose intolerant. Drinking a tall cold glass of it and mixing it with cereal are simple substitutions, but baking with it might seem a little more complicated. Turns out, cooking with almond milk is a simple cup-to-cup replacement in most recipes. For other recipes, a few adjustments may be necessary, but your baked goods will still taste great.


When cooking almond milk on the stove top, stir constantly and use moderate heat. The milk may scorch or form a skin if left at high temperatures.

Can You Substitute Almond Milk For Milk In Mac And Cheese Sauce

Baking Time

Slightly reduce the baking time. Check consistency a few minutes sooner than when the recipe recommends, as almond milk may affect the baking time.


Ocr for mac. Increase the thickening agent in pudding or custard recipes. Add a few tablespoons of cornstarch or flour. Almond milk contains no saturated fat, making it thinner and less creamy.

Milk Vs Almond Milk

For Buttermilk

Add a teaspoon of vinegar to almond milk for recipes that require buttermilk.

Avoid Acidic Ingredients

Avoid adding acidic ingredients to almond milk unless the recipe calls for it. Ingredients like tomatoes or lemon may cause curdling in almond milk.

Use Less Sweetener

Can You Substitute Almond Milk For Milk In Mac And Cheese Kraft

Some almond milks are lightly sweetened. Reduce the sugar by one-third to one-half for dessert recipes.